Posts Tagged: kidney

Cleavers, the sticky willy stickyweed

  Galium aparine or Cleavers, also known as: Clivers, Goosegrass, Catchweed, Stickyweed, Robin-run-the-hedge, Sticky Willy, Sticky Willow, Velcro Weed, and Grip Grass Cleavers are in the Rubiaceae family which consists of flowering plants in the coffee, madder, or bedstraw family.

Cleavers, the sticky willy stickyweed

  Galium aparine or Cleavers, also known as: Clivers, Goosegrass, Catchweed, Stickyweed, Robin-run-the-hedge, Sticky Willy, Sticky Willow, Velcro Weed, and Grip Grass Cleavers are in the Rubiaceae family which consists of flowering plants in the coffee, madder, or bedstraw family.

Common Chickweed

Stellaria media, chickweed, is a cool-season annual plant native to Europe, which is often eaten by chickens. It is sometimes called common chickweed to distinguish it from other plants called chickweed. Other common names include chickenwort, craches, maruns, winterweed. The

Common Chickweed

Stellaria media, chickweed, is a cool-season annual plant native to Europe, which is often eaten by chickens. It is sometimes called common chickweed to distinguish it from other plants called chickweed. Other common names include chickenwort, craches, maruns, winterweed. The